Harry Bowers Sermons

Living Waters Newsletters

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  • Click on the three links below to read:  1) the May 10, 2023, letter (9-pages) sent USPS First Class mail to 137 religious organizations in Sumter, SC, that started Jesus’ 18-month spiritual war in America to “De-Throne” Satan from Satan’s 248-year-rulership over America as America’s false “God” in complete control of America’s Government and its disastrous outcomes since July 4, 1776, 2) the 10-Editorials (14-pages) explaining Satan’s idolatry-based-rulership over every nation for the last 1,700 years, including America through Satan’s false Trinity Doctrine and its idolatry-based abomination “Jesus is God,” and 3) the Editorial Announcing Jesus “sowed,” “reaped,” and “showed” God “7,000” Christians in America on November 7, 2024, that “Saved” America on November 7, 2024, the exact same way “10” would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah WITHOUT Jesus subsequently using on November 7, 2024, his Father’s “Passover” option and its killing requirement to “convict” America’s newly elected President (previously Satan’s “first beast” in America) of his “unbelief,” disobedience, and idolatry “Jesus is God.”  Satan’s “former” first beast will “convict” Satan’s second beast (Trinitarian clergy throughout all America) of their “unbelief,” disobedience, and idolatry “Jesus is God” UNITING Satan’s “former” first beast, Satan’s “former” second beast, and all Americans AGAINST Satan to “subdue it (Satan); rule over . . . (Satan)” making the “swamp” (Satan) disappear forever throughout all America until Jesus Returns . . . Next . . . Jesus will “De-Throne” Satan in approximately 90% of the nations and execute God’s devastating Psalm 106:41-42 culminating judgment against the other approximate 10% BEFORE Jesus Returns ending this age the exact same way it would have ended had Adam never sinned, with:  1) sinless man (Jesus through his sinless body, the church, being “one” in-Christ throughout all the earth in every nation) obediently performing God’s command in Genesis 1:28 to subdue it (Satan); rule over . . . (Satan) worldwide “so that (BEFORE Jesus Returns) at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” 2) God redeeming and returning the earth to the way it was in the beginning, and 3) Jesus (instead of Adam) throwing Satan into the lake of fire “where (only) they (Satan, the beast, and the false prophet) will be tormented day and night for ever and ever” establishing all the earth as God’s eternal living monument teaching God’s future creations throughout eternity-forward to NEVER “consider equality with God a thing to be grasped.”
  • MAY 10, 2023 LETTER